Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photographer Bio: SooozhyQ

SooozhyQ photo bio:

(SoozhyQ showed art work at the Feb. 27th, 2010 show, and helped raise $1,800 for Haiti relief)
Born in San Francisco’s Mission district, Soozhyq started her love affair with digital photography in 2005 while travelling abroad.

  Favorite photo subjects include food porn, the underside of mushrooms, belly dancers, and her ‘hood (Dogpatch/Potrero Hill).   SooozhyQ is a Flickr addict and recently launched her own website #fotofeedbackloop.  SooozhyQ takes an occasional break from photography and music to stalk Japanese snow monkeys and be left-brainy for a local biotech firm.  

Contact:  sooozhyq@yahoo.com



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